How Drones Are Used in Agriculture

Drone Use in Agriculture

Far too often, farms and farmers are overlooked as antiquated and unchanging. However, nothing could be further from the truth. Agriculture is and always has been a cornerstone of civilization; as the latter has grown and developed, so has the former, with bold new farming technologies sprouting up every day. Case in point, drones. From … Read more

The Impact of 5G on the Future of Farming

5G in Farming

5G is likely to revolutionize the farming industry, thanks to increased speed and the ability to carry more data.  Farmers are traditionally slow to adopt new technologies. However, over the past decade, many farms started implementing modern solutions that rely on wireless data networks. Sensors and monitors help keep an eye on crops and livestock, … Read more

What Is Precision Agriculture and Farming?

Precision Agriculture and Farming Symbols

The next major agricultural advancement is the use of smart devices to monitor crops, livestock, and weather. Precision agriculture is a new approach that uses Internet of Things (IoT) technologies to improve operations.  Farmers have always relied on technology, starting with the agricultural revolution of the early 1800s. The introduction of canning, steel plows, and … Read more

Blockchain Technology in Agriculture and Farming

Blockchain Technology for Farming and Agriculture

Most people have heard of Bitcoin and blockchains. What you may not know is that the same technology used to create cryptocurrencies may change the future of agriculture and farming. Blockchain technology has the potential to disrupt the way farmers grow and sell their products. It may even help address the need for more food … Read more